Our Uniform

  • Trousers/Skirts/Pinafore Dresses/Skorts/Tailored Shorts – any shade of grey (no black).
  • Shirts – Long or short-sleeved White shirts only with hard collar (no polo shirts).
  • V-necked jumper or cardigan with embroidered logo –Reception, Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 will wear these.  Year 5 and 6 wear blazers instead of jumpers and cardigans.
  • Ties – All children wear ties. We have traditional, elastic or clip options.
  • Shoes Black shoes must be worn by all children. No trainers please.
  • Jewellery and make-up – No make-up is allowed, small-studded earrings (no hoops) and no coloured nail-polish. No jewellery, although a watch may be worn.
  • Hair – we want all children to feel unique and individual and have no preferences of hair-style. We simply ask that long hair is tied up and there are no coloured products or severe cuts during term-time.
  • PE Kit – A navy blue polo shirt featuring our academy logo, worn with navy blue shorts. Plimsolls or trainers will be needed, as well as a black or navy tracksuit during colder weather.
  • Our uniform supplier- Harrisons school wear, are located in Southtown. They stock all Wroughton embroidered uniform. Please follow the link below to their website where you will find further information https://hschoolwear.co.uk/

We believe that high expectations of children’s appearance in school helps to make children feel confident, take pride in themselves, learn well and it prepares them for their next stage of education.