Our Curriculum

What will your child learn at Wroughton?

At Wroughton Academies, we provide every pupil with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to fulfil their individual and academic potential, which enables our pupils to make a positive contribution to their local community, Britain and the wider world.

  • We teach a diverse curriculum, where learning, vocabulary and content is cumulative: knowledge is learned, retrieved and built upon.
  • We provide a range of high-quality enrichment opportunities which enable children to develop their own aspirations to become successful and confident citizens in their lives beyond primary school.
  • We develop oracy skills and vocabulary to overcome learning barriers and accelerate progress.
  • The teaching of reading is our highest curriculum priority. The ability to read and comprehend will enable children to achieve their academic potential and succeed at their next stage of education.
  • We develop children’s resilience and communication skills, ensuring that children take responsibility for their actions and can communicate effectively.
  • Our teaching and learning approach ensures that every child receives individualised, high quality support when needed.
  • We recognise the diverse and unique social context of our local community and we work closely with our families to promote the physical health and mental well-being of all pupils.

For further information regarding our curriculum please email enquiries@wroughtonacademies.org.uk or speak with your classroom teacher.