On November 12, Wroughton Academies proudly participated in Odd Socks Day, an event that marks the beginning of Ant...
We are excited to announce that Odd Socks Day is just around the corner, taking place on Tuesday, Novembe...
On Friday, 15th November, Wroughton Academies will be celebrating Children in Need Day, and we invite all pupils to part...
We are excited to announce the release of the third edition of our autumn newsletter! This newsletter serves as a vital...
Wroughton Academies is thrilled to share the second edition of our Autumn Newsletter, now accessible to all parents and...
As we were reminiscing about our school days, we couldn't help but think about the houses we were sorted into. Do yo...
Boys Dominate in Cup Match with 8-0 Victory
What an exhilarating match for our U11 boys on Friday! We are proud to announce that our team emerged victorious against...
Wroughton Academies Launches First Edition of Autumn Newsletter